
Sunday, January 20, 2013

CEDC Command to check MQconnection

CEDC Commands that can be used to check MQ connection 

If any user wants to know INITQ or any MQ manager or any other MQ parameter here is the command:


It will give option as below. If you dont know give * for both the options and then press enter:

   CEDC View MQconn(         )
     MQconn         ==>      

     Group            ==>       *

It will display all the MQConn for all the sysplex region as below.

NAME            TYPE            GROUP                       LAST CHANGE 
MQ1A            MQCONN      CICSAB1             25/04/11   11:11:11
MQ1A             MQCONN     CICSAB2   v        25/04/11   11:11:11   
Give View in front of group you want to view as I gave above in red and press enter.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Introduction to most useful SYSIBM DB2 tables - PART 1

Here are most commonly used SYSIBM tables

SYSIBM.SYSTABLES : Any table or view or alias defined for your application will be present in this table with all the information.

Here I have got great links for tables where you can get details for each column of  SYSIBM tables. For each table there is separate link I have put them all together for quick reference.

SYSIBM.SYSCOLUMNS: All the details about columns for any table along with characteristics of each column is defined here.

Common CECI CICS commands used while debugging

CECI Commands that can be used to test or debug any CICS program

There are many commands in CICS which can be very handy when any developer wants to do unit testing.


 Give F5 and define &A give length for that temporary character

When you give above command it will not read file until it is open. It will give errors as below: 

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Triggering CICS transaction through batch - PART3

Common Error Messages - Batch Processing

Please refer PART1 and PART2 blog before going through this blog.

There are some common error messages that may be thrown when the transaction is launched using from the batch job.

1) When the CICS region is not active
IEE341I                       CICSREN1 NOT ACTIVE

2) When the console is not defined in the CICS Region
DFHAC2015 date time CICSREN1 Console consname has not been defined to CICS.

3) When the transaction does not exist in the CICS region
DFHAC2001 date time CICSREN1 Transaction 'tranid' is not recognized.

4) When the transaction is disabled in the CICS region
DFHAC2008 date time CICSREN1 Transaction tranid has been disabled and cannot be used.

Triggering CICS transaction from batch - PART 2

Options commonly used in CICS to trigger transaction through Batch

Please refer Part 1 before going to this blog.

1: For some application user id and password is mandatory.This can be done by Identifying Transactions with Userid & Password

If the transaction requires sign-on, CESN transaction can be send as first command

Triggering CICS transaction from batch - PART1

Basics on Triggering transaction from batch

In CICS, we can trigger transaction from batch. Before triggering there is some settings which should be present for CICS to accept the commands from batch, there is console definition which should defined in the terminal table and these are provided in the IBM supplied resource group DFH$CNSL. Please check if that is set else contact admin group of CICS to have that set up.

MODIFY command is used to trigger the transaction from a batch job and it abbreviated to F.
Following JCL executes the transaction TXN1 in the CICS region CICREN1
//STEP001 EXEC ...